A religious guild is either an association of followers of the same faith, or a multidenominational organization allowing membership from a select group of religions. In either case, a religious guild is not the same thing as a sect or cult. Such guilds might be secret orders within the larger confi nes of a church; an assembly of people with a particular goal (such as protecting the faith from enemies or proselytizing to the masses or even a gathering of religious individuals belonging to a specifi c profession, such as a society of priests or a group of temple guards. Any sort of intrachurch organization, such as an order of holy warriors or a group of scholars dedicated to researching ancient myths, might also qualify as a guild, though less formalized or smaller groups might be better portrayed as organizations (see below).

Examples: Knightly order, secret order devoted to forbidden research.

Associated Classes: Cleric, expert, favored soul (Complete Divine), paladin.

Associated Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (any one other), Spellcraft.

Duties: Members must observe and adhere to the specifi c tenets and strictures of their faith. Additionally, some orders might require partial or complete secrecy regarding their activities, membership, or even existence. Finally, if a religious guild is dedicated to a specific purpose (such as research or proselytizing), members must spend at least 1d4 days (4 hours/day) each week engaged in that activity.

Favored Benefits: The member’s faith and understanding of her fellows is bolstered by association with others who share her beliefs and purpose. She gains a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks when dealing with any follower of her religion, whether or not they are in the guild. She also gains a +2 bonus on Will saves when resisting any compulsion that would cause her to act outside the dictates of her faith.

Sample Contact: Father Eliaj (elf cleric 5). Eliaj will assist the PC in researching religious matters (+2 bonus on any Knowledge check related to a church or religious matter). Once per week.


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