Repnel Porton Master Thief, Artisans' Quarter

Repnel is 34 years old, 5'8" tall, 180 lbs. He has shaggy brown hair and beard and green eyes. Repnel fronts as a Master Streetcleaner of the Union of Sewermen and Streetcleaners in the Artisans' Quarter, using his normal round of collecting streetcleaning fees to pick up the guild's protection money. He has arranged for his entire cleaning detail to be made up of thieves and apprentice thieves, and thus they can use their legitimate business to keep watch on those who refuse to pay up and even undertake burglaries in broad daylight. Repnel is not an evil man, but he has a job to do and must make sure that the guild gets its dues from the quarter.

Repnel will most often be encountered doing his rounds of the Artisans' Quarter. He is not particularly interested in tackling PC parties, preferring less dangerous pursuits such as harassing storekeepers and ordering punitive raids. If adventurers are especially stupid and obviously ripe for divesting of their hard won cash, then Repnel will divert some of his work force to waylay them. Repnel will get extremely angry if the PCs interfere with his protection racket, and may perpetrate crimes that are much worse than robbery and assault.

AC 3 (leather armor + 3 and Dex 16 MV 9: T8: hp 32: THACO 17/16; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1d8 +2 (broad sword +2 Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13; SA triple damage from backstab; AL N.

Thief skills: PP 60, OL 50, FT 50, MS 50, HS 45, ON 25, CW 90, RL 25.

Magical items: leather armor +3, broad sword + 2, ring of truth, potion of diminution, and robe of blending.


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