Ricard as a contact

Ricard knows a lot about low life in Greyhawk. He gets information from the Rhennee, who trust him, and thus could know about smuggling and the like. From riverfolk, he could have heard rumors about zombies being shipped out by Agarat Esiassen (see Chapter 5), or he could have heard that there is a cowled hobgoblin on Agarat 's vessel. He might well have found out, from drunk sewermen in his bar, that they don't have to work too hard because they get special help-now, what could that be? He could overhear all sorts of gossip from thieves.

In short, PCs could pick up a lot from Ricard. A good move is to have Ricard be in the PCs' debt in some way-perhaps his horrid daughter could be kidnapped, for example, so the PCs could rescue her (best to do this after the PCs have been tormented in the bar by this repellent lit tle brat). Ricard can be used as a source of information about many aspects of low life in Greyhawk.


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