Ricard Damaris Proprietor, Green Dragon Inn

Ricard is 36 years old, 6'3", 236 lbs., with thick black hair worn to shoulder length and brown eyes. He has a small triangular scar on the left side of his chin, and the fourth finger is missing from his left hand.

His broad sword + 2 is kept below the bar counter. This CN-aligned weapon has Int 12, Ego 12 and the special abilities of casting darkness 3 times per day (Ricard uses this attack to blind people), weak ness (reverse strength) twice per day, and once per day (when Ricard wishes it) a hit from it on any lawfully aligned char acter can paralyze that person for 2-8 rounds. Ricard's special amulet gives him a +4 bonus on saving throws against all charm spells or spell-like effects, and also against all illusion magic.

Ricard is gruff but sociable enough; he is a reverer of Olidammara, and enjoys seeing a rowdy but nonviolent inn full of intoxicated people. Fistfights, and even broken-glass and dagger fights, do not bother Ricard unduly, although he may wade in with his club to subdue people if matters are getting out of hand- his regulars know when to stop. However, if any more powerful weapon is drawn, if a member of his staff is attacked (or if he is himself), or if magic is used, Ricard will make straight for the offender with his sword and is fairly unlikely to accept any surrender unless he considers himself in danger. Ricard also has a wife, Florence, who is not seen in the inn-she does the bookwork and prepares the plain bill of fare served as food here. He also has a nine-year-old daughter, Clarissa, of whom he is deeply proud, and his spoiling of her has made her a quite intolerable little brat who has temper tantrums and kicks and screams a lot.

AC 1 (chain mail + 2 worn under leather jack and Dex 16 MV 12; F8; hp 54; THAC0 12/11; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d6 + 3 (club) or 1d8 + 5 (broad sword + 2 Str 18/40, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 12; THAC0 12; AL N (CN).

Magical items: chain mail + 2, broad sword + 2 (see below), ring of free action, and an amulet of proof against charms and illusions (see below).


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