Right or Left Face

A unit that changes its facing can perform a right face turn, a left face turn, or an about face turn. In a right or left face turn, some or all of the figures in the unit are rotated 90 degrees to the right or left. A right or left face turn costs 2" of a unit's movement allowance (4" for irregulars), regardless of how many figures are changed to the new facing.

Note: If some of the figures in a unit are mounted three or more to a stand, it is sometimes impossible to perform a true right or left face turn. If a unit is only two ranks deep, for example, three figures technically could not stand side by side after such a turn. In such a case, the player can adjust the unit to the closest practical arrangement of figures—as long as the unit is able to pay the movement cost for a change of frontage (see page 26) as well as the facing change.

For example, for a unit configured as described above, a two-rank line turning right could be changed to a column of figures marching three abreast so long as the unit could afford the cost of a change in frontage (1" to increase frontage by 1 figure) in addition to the change in facing (either 2" or 4", depending on whether the unit is regular or irregular). See the illustrations on page 26 for an example of an adjusted right face turn.


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