A riot involves a large number of people who have turned to violence. It could be random violence, directed against anyone and anything in the rioters’ path, or it might be focused on a particular target, as the people attempt to overthrow a leader or lynch a prisoner. A riot is not considered a crowd of individuals, for game purposes, but rather as a number of mobs (see page 124). While it is possible to talk down a group of people who are working themselves up to a frenzied state, by the time they’ve reached the point of actually rioting, it’s all but impossible to reason with them without the use of magic. Talking rioters into dispersing once they have reached the point of violence is essentially an epic-level task, fi rst requiring that the rioters are able to hear you—something nigh impossible without the use of magic. Then you must succeed on a Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC 40 + the number of mobs that make up the riot). A successful check causes one of the component mobs to disperse, plus one component mob for every 5 points by which you beat the DC. Most riots consist of two to four component mobs, but a citywide riot might consist of dozens.

A riot causes immense property damage as people smash windows, throw rocks, and otherwise vent their frustration on anything they can reach. Individuals might be swept up into the riot and either join it, adding to its numbers, or find themselves assaulted and beaten. Many city guards, knowing full well how dangerous riots can be, do not hesitate to use lethal force, and rioting is a capital offense in some cities.


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