Robbar Marade

Robbar Marade (F2): Str 18/97, Con 17, Wis 5; NG. Young Robbar (he is but 17 years of age) is a very naive, wide-eyed lad who comes from the little settlement of One Ford down the Selintan. He is very clumsy (treat Dex as 6 when making a Dexterity check or for missile fire, but not for AC purposes) and blushes very easily. He is a simple farm boy who finds it hard to maintain the facade of a seasoned fighter from the Gnarley Forest, so he keeps quiet most of the time. Three pints of ale or one nonhideous female reduce him almost to muteness. But he has the strength of an ogre (well, almost), and the others consider this is an asset. Robbar, unfortunately, is scared of the dark (-2 to all saving throws against fear under such conditions), a weakness he tries very hard to conceal.


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