
The oldest of the Bandit Kingdoms' cities, Rookroost is a four-walled city with three internal, concentric city walls, each with their own gates, within the exterior walls. In the central heart of the city stands the palace of "The Baron." Before the war, he was "The General," but the cambion Kerzinen, who had the previous ruler qui etly done away with and now impersonates him, prefers to use his true title.

Kerzinen has adopted a strategy not unlike that of Althea in Molag, by feigning that "General Pernevi," the old ruler, still lives. But he rarely meets with the powerful bandit thieves, warriors and assassins who still control much of Rookroost. Most are content to ally with Iuz, but this is a city of true chaotic evil and there are treacheries aplenty in its back streets and alleyways. Half-ores and even a handful of ogres, goblins and the odd hill giant can be found among Rookroost's populace. The soldiery here are mostly imported humanoids from the Horned Lands and the Land of Iuz, including 100 superb orogs. Their barracks have been walled off from the rest of the citv. Town patrols are manned by the original, pre-war police, as cut-throat and corrupt a bunch as one could find any where.

Kerzinen's major concern is with control of the east ern Fellreev forest and protecting the trade route run ning to the village of Marsakeer and downriver to Sen ningford, Narleon and on to Nevond Nevnend, where Kerzinen obtains food, some Tenha slaves, and a little equipment. Kerzinen's dominion lies from the Arton samay to the Fellreev, from the Bluff Hills to the Zumker, and he has many troops constantly prowling these lands and stationed along the trade route. Within the city, Ker zinen adopts a velvet glove/iron fist policy. Most of the time, Rookroost's residents can get on with life as they did before the wars, save that their raids are directed now mostly against "free" bandits, the Fellreev, and into the Northern Barrens. What happens in Rookroost soci ety is of no interest to Kerzinen, though temples of Pow ers other than Iuz have been closed down around the city, not that there were ever that many. But if, as hap pened on the third Moonday of Fireseek this year, two priests of Iuz are found with their throats cut in a back alley, Kerzinen acts decisively. Four prominent members of the Thieves' Guild were rounded up and tortured to death by fiends in public and their screams still echo in some people's nightmares at night.

Thus, Kerzinen has control over Rookroost through potential extreme force. He doesn't need to use or display it on a daily basis. Further, alu-fiends in Kerzinen's ser vice have charmed an increasing number of the more influential Rookroost bandits and suecubi have availed themselves of the bandits naturally carnal instincts. As a result, Kerzinen has "orphanages" full of growing young alu-fiends around Rookroost, all deeply loyal to their acknowledged cambion master. In years to come, the ambitious Baron will have a powerful force at his disposal.

Kerzinen considers Cranzer weak, and while he is polite to his face, he mocks him with the alu-fiends, sue cubi and two glabrezu of his inner court of advisers. The resident priests of Iuz, who lack effective leadership here, accept Kerzinen as leader and do not question his orders. They are far enough from Iuz's homeland to be pragmatic about the situation.


Started with an Embassy and Thieve's Guild.

Rookroost and Groucester provide most of the troops for raiding the forest east of the Cold Run. A vari ety of ore tribes are used for raiding together with hob goblin support, but priests of Iuz and human warriors are also used to control and discipline them for more ordered incursions. Kerzinen of Rookroost often adds fiends, most notably bar-igura, to these forces and they have thus been successful for the most part.

An outpost of Iuz's ores, hobgoblins and priestly leaders, Kerzinen of Rookroost does not include any bandits among his troops here, fearing that having chaotic ban dits hunting other chaotic bandits might be a great recipe for maximizing defections among his men.

Rookroost is a Kleptocracy.

Feature -- Ambush, Specialization

Rookroosts ruler is a Usurper

You earn 1XP when you fail an Intelligence check


Level of Governement is 1

Race is Human

Population score is 17 (+3)

Economy score is 13 (+1)

Oder score is 13 (+1)

Magic score is 11

Culture score is 11

Diplomacy score is 13 (+1)


Stability dice is 2d4

Currently 5 stability points

Gold in treasury is 22(000)gp

Skills are Administration, Intelligence, Influence, Raiding,Trade, Sabotage

Currently there are 2 resources within 9 capacity

30 points to next experience level


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