Rookroost Personalities

(Baron) Kerzinen of Rookroost: Baron Cambion (Str 19, Dex 18, Con 19, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 19 AC -6 (plate mail +2, shield +2 HD 6; hp 57; SA hide in shadows 80%, move silently 80%; charm person, detect magic, fear at will, spell abilities of 6th-level mage; SD 30% magic resistance, climb walls 95%, levitate 7/day, poly morph self 3/'day, never surprised; AL CE. Kerzinen is a son of one of Graz'zt's own balors and, as such, regards himself as noble indeed. Graz'zt has commissioned him into Iuz's service for twenty years and twenty days, and Kerzinen now poses as Baron Pernevi, ruler of Rookroost. Given his charisma, charm, and fine mental faculties, Kerzinen is enjoying life duping bandits, watching Tenh, and having all the slaves and troops he could want. He quietly amasses treasures which can be used to bribe yugoloths for the Blood War and grooms his young alu fiends for the same purpose. By doing this, Kerzinen is becoming a favored, adopted son of Graz'zt, and his posi tion in the hierarchy of the Abyss has benefitted accord ingly. While he serves Iuz, he does so "creatively." If he doesn't like orders coming from Cranzer in Riftcrag, he ensures that they didn't arrive in the form in which they were dispatched or implements the spirit of orders in ways he chooses.

When posing as a human, Kerzinen is cool and col lected, well-mannered and even capable of being gra cious, though no more than a bandit should be, of course. He is forceful with bandits and human under lings, with a repertoire of yells, stamps, and fist-pounding the people of Rookroost expect. Lastly, he has a particu lar interest in Tenh, seeing it awash with slaves and souls who could be swept into the forces of the Abyss to great effect. He is eager to occupy Tenh, which causes friction with Iuz's more conservative priests.


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