
Ryemend is a town of 950 people located directly across the broad Velverdyva from Verbobonc. A great deal of traffic moves between the two communities, carried on large, flat-bottomed vessels.

Ryemend is unique in that one fifth of its population are gnomes. They play a major role in trading with agents from the Kron Hills, through Verbobonc.

Verbobonc’s decline is a source of alarm to Furyondy. Old Viscount Wilfrick seems to be incapable of making decisions these days, and the Viscounty no longer makes efforts to help the gnomes of the Kron Hills or to be vigilant against evil. Because of this, Ryemend has three groups of interested Furyondian parties who keep careful watch on Verbobonc.

First, there are the spies and agents of Duke Tyneman himself. Their prime interest is in keeping trade flowing acquiring information about Verbobonc’s internal politics .

Second, agents of Belvor keep watch on Verbobonc. The King hardly needs problems here when his strength must be expended to the north. Belvor's agents are known to meet with the rulers of keeps and castles within the Viscounty of Verbobonc who are now seen as the most important focus of will, strength and vigilance against the evils of the Gnarley Forest.

Third, Knights of the Hart take great interest in Verbobonc. They too communicate with local, minor nobles, and they also actively seek information about events in Celene and even the Wild Coast.

These Furyondian factions often frustrate each other’s efforts. This hardly helps the Furyondian cause in Verbobonc.


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