S10: Old City Well

S10: Old City Well. The Old Well is one of the oldest structures in Greyhawk, dating back over S00 years. The circular well wall measures 60 feet across and 2 feet high, and the water level is 13 feet below ground. The water at the bottom is 20 feet deep. Worn runes sacred to the Suloise deity Fortubo (who oversees stoneworking) are carved around the stonework; the original builders of the well were Suloise settlers who came here before the Oeridians, and they dug the well. The well water is relatively clean, despite the fact that the slum dwellers here sometimes throw garbage or worse into the well, an act believed to bring bad luck.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: Rumors circulate that great treasures or magic lie at the bottom of the well, but no one has ever found such. However, a great many coins (few of them valuable) lie at the well’s bottom, tossed in by those wishing good luck. The well is fed and drained at the same time by an underground stream, and polluted waters are flushed out. Anyone who tosses’ poison into the well is cursed, thanks to past clerical spells cast on the well’s stones; the curse causes the poisoner to save vs. poison or permanently lose a point of Constitution.


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