S12: Flophouse

S12: Flophouse. This decrepit two-story building with basement is probably the lowest-grade inn in Greyhawk. It doesn’t even have a name despite its size, being called the “big place on Old Lane.” Those staying here are charged only a copper common a day; no food is offered, only a place to sleep on the floor out of the weather. Many who stay here have parasites or diseases, and crimes like theft, assault, and robbery occur every day.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: The cellar of this flophouse contains the secret headquarters of a splinter cult devoted to Erythnul, the Red Hands. Only a half-dozen members are present, but they are preparing to commit a series of mass killings in Old City directed at the homeless persons who crowd the Slum and Thieves’ Quarters. The leader is an immigrant from the former Great Kingdom, a priest with astounding powers of persuasion who calls himself Slash [CE hm C3 — Erythnul; hp 10; Cha 19].


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