S1: Caravan Warehouse

This is one of the largest buildings in the city. It is owned by the Merchants' and Traders' Guild and serves as the most common embarkation and arrival point for overland caravans to and from the city.

Within, the merchants store the goods of the last few arriving and next few departing caravans, as well as 20 to 30 freight wagons and nearly 100 draft horses. And the warehouse still retains a large open area for the loading and unloading of wagons and pack animals.

The warehouse is also made available to nonguild merchants bringing goods into the city. Usually the cost is 5-10% of the goods shipped, but this is deemed worth the price; a more public unloading zone would be prone to relentless thievery.

The Merchants' Guild, however, has made an agreement with the Thieves' Guild so that the warehouse is off limits to guild thieves, and the guild helps to catch any other thieves who dare flaunt the prohibition. The warehouse is also patrolled by four guards and eight dogs at all times.

S1: Caravan Warehouse. One of the largest buildings in the city is the Caravan Warehouse, owned by the Union of Merchants and Traders. Caravans unload their goods here upon arrival and pick up their shipments before departing. About 20-30 freight wagons and up to 100 draft horses are stored and stabled here. The smell is bad and no spells carry the odor away; because this is the Slum Quarter, no one will waste the time to improve the situation. The warehouse is magically fireproofed, however, as it and its contents are too valuable to lose.

DM's Notes: The merchants have a special agreement with the Thieves’ Guild, paid for with much gold, to keep hands off the cargo in this building. The thieves even secretly patrol the warehouse disguised as freight handlers, searching for anyone who dares break into this building. (Death is the penalty.) Beggars are not allowed near here, which angers the Beggars’ Union, though it can do nothing about this. Recent immigrants who are greatly disliked are sometimes “hired” for a few copper pieces to go burn down this warehouse, which always results in the swift death of the would-be arsonist.


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