S2: False Duke’s Stables.

Stairnezh Stables

Lucious Stairnezh owns this livery and shipping service. His stock includes several dozen draft horses, ten light riding horses, and eight large freight wagons. Lucious buys and sells horses in addition to those he keeps.

Lucious is actually Erik Du Urnst, oldest son of the brother of the current Duke of Urnst. His father and brothers were slain by the Duke, and he son wed by fleeing to Greyhawk with his governess when but a youth. He has remained in hiding, under this alias, since then.

He plays the part of the genial buffoon. but dreams about a return to the throne that he feels is rightfully his (it isn't). He has a small fortune (25,000 gp) buried deep in the ground within his stable, whtle he lives off the profits of his well run business.

Still, he is willing to listen to wild schemes, and he is impressed with bold adventurers. When he has gathered the right crowd of allies around him, he vows, then he will begin his triumphant return to the Duchy.

Lucious Stairnezh: AC 7; MV 12; F8; hp62; THAC0 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +3 (Str 18/11)

S2: False Duke’s Stables. False Duke’s Stables is named for the former owner, a man named Lucious Staitnezh who believed he was the brother of Karll, Duke of Urnst. He told riveting stories of how his family was murdered by the duke, and he continually attempted to gather allies to march eastward and seize the throne. In a drunken rage in 586 Cy, Lucious attacked Count Reichart Petrides, the ambassador from the duchy, and was arrested and thrown into prison in the Grand Citadel. He died there awaiting trial, reportedly murdered by an inmate who happened to like the current government in Urnst. The stables were sold at a public auction and are now owned by Jogg the Titan [NE Zom F9; hp 80; Str 17, Con 16; gauntlets of ogre power), a half-orc and long-time resident of Old City. Jogg despises the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, largely because his orc father was from a different tribe (Death Moon, of Bone March).

DM's Notes: Jogg knows there is a fortune buried somewhere under the stables, belonging to the former owner, but he hasn’t managed to dig it up yet. He is looking for a potion of treasure finding to aid his search. Jogg does not know that the spirit of Lucious Stairnezh guards this treasure in the form of an undead of the DM'’s choice.


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