S3: Guildhall of the Beggars' Union

This sturdy edifice is, like the guildhall of the thieves, surrounded by alleys and roadways. It is a blockhouse of a building, grand home of the Beggarmaster, and crowded lodgings of his many minions. For full details of the Beggars' Uruon, see Ch5 FFF.

S3: Beggars’ Union Guildhall. This imposing three-story building, nicknamed the Palace of Trash, is the home of the Beggars’ Union. It is crowded to overflowing with members of the union, who act as spies and guards, and it has many secret entrances and short tunnels to neighboring buildings.

The current Beggarmaster is Simeon Hellwater [NE hm F4/T8; hp 45; Dex 17, Int 16; bracers of defense AC 6, buckle knife +3, ring of X-tay vision, ring of human influence, hat of disgutse], formerly the treasurer of the union. Now 52 years old and very somber in appearance, Simeon (called the “Vampire” because of his gaunt, pale looks) is not a leader so much as he is a manager. However, he is a great manager, and he saw the union through a crisis in 588 CY when the previous Beggarmaster, Gaspar, vanished from his locked room in the Palace of Trash. Though many suspect Gaspar was snuffed by the Thieves’ Guild for some affront, Simeon has taken no steps to retaliate. His spymaster, Diarmid Hesperion, disappeared shortly after that, and Simeon has produced evidence that Diarmid was an agent for the Scarlet Brotherhood and returned to his masters. Simeon is not loved by the beggars, but he has their lukewarm respect.

DM’s Notes: Simeon Hellwater is actually a members of the Thieves’ Guild and effectively controls the Beggars’ Union as a puppet of the former group. He has reworked the organization so that it acts even more in line with the thieves than before, and his beggars are the eyes and ears of the Thieves’ Guild wherever they go, Simeon does not know what became of Gaspar, but he found evidence that an evil cult in the Old City arranged for his kidnapping (and probable sacrifice) because Gaspar attempted to stamp out the cult when it came to light. Diarmid Hesperion later discovered that Simeon was working for the Thieves’ Guild, but Diarmid himself was captured and killed by the thieves before he could engineer a revolt in the union. Simeon has replaced most of his officers and now has a new taskmaster (trainer of beggar/ thieves), treasurer, and spymaster. The beggars generally know they are working more closely with the Thieves’ Guild, but they are also doing better financially and are agreeable to this.


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