S6: Garraldson's Locksmithy

This little shop 1s the establishment of Gundri Garraldson, a wizened old tinkerer who makes wonderfully complex locks. They sell for 10-25 gp, depending upon size and complexity. The better ones provide a 10% penalty to thieves attempting to pick them.

The shop also serves as the main nearby entrance to the assassins' guildhall. The two intervening buildings are owned by the guild but are not connected to the shop or the hall.

Gundri is remarkably spry for his age, though he has lost a step or two. He has a wealth of experience, however, and a short sword + 5 defender.

Gundri Garraldson: AC 5 (Dex 17) or 0 with sword bonus; MV 9; T9; hp 44; THAC0 16, #AT l; Dmg 1d6 +5

S6: Garraldson’s Locksmithy. A wizened gnome tinker is the owner of this shop. Gundri Garraldson [LE gm T10; hp 46; Dex 17; short sword +5 defender] has an excellent grasp of toolmaking and mechanical devices, but he treats complex devices as toys, of little real worth. His forte is locksmithing, and he is one of the best around at making and then disabling or opening locks of every sort. He laughs if asked to reveal his secrets. His locks sell for 10-30 gp, and the best ones add a minor penalty to a thief’s chances to pick them. Gundri says he isn’t as spry as he once was and now moves about very slowly with a short staff (MV 3). He seems friendly but knows the nastiest insults imaginable.

DM's Notes: Gundri is also a retired assassin, the highest ranking member of the Assassins’ Guild after Turin Deathstalker to have survived the attack of a mezzoloth in 574 cy. Gundri was badly injured in the attack; even though healed by magic, he lost almost all feeling in his legs. He gets great business from the underworld of Greyhawk, particularly the Thieves’ and Assassins’ Guild. In fact, his shop is one of the main entrances to the latter group; a secret passage between them goes through the other buildings in this block. The passage is trapped, but Gundri can disable the traps in a few moments — if the person going through the passage has authorization. If not, he simply sends the person on through .. . to his death.


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