S7: Dragon Turtle Tavern

This small inn is surrounded by large, shady oak trees. It has a remarkably rural atmosphere for a place located on a back street in the city's dingiest quarter.

This is the cheapest tavern in the Free City, though its fare is far from the lowest in quality. True, the straw beds are lice infested, the ale warm, and the servings of food small. But that same food is delicious, and the warm ale flows many pitchers for 1 sp, and as for the beds, they' re usually left for those who have had too much of the warm ale.

S7: Dragon Turtle Tavern. The Dragon Turtle is probably the cheapest tavern in the city, but the food is usually good and the place is well swept. Merchants, caravan drovers, mercenaries, City Watch patrols, and unusual local characters have their meals here. The proprietor is a retired gnome warrior from Highfolk who took a liking to the Old City. Nokla Fischer [N gm F4; hp 23] has a famous brother, Grimmri Fischer, who was a member of an adventuring group called the Fellowship of the Torch, once based in Greyhawk. Nokla came to Greyhawk years ago in search of Grimmri, but learned his brother had been killed in the Greyhawk Wars in Furyondy. Nokla stayed on and purchased the tavern, improving it somewhat but leaving its comfortable character alone. He does not tolerate beggars inside the tavern, though he lets them have whatever scraps of food are left over at the day’s end.

DM’s Notes: Because of his brother's death, Nokla has a personal interest in seeing Iuz’s followers suffer. He has quietly put out feelers through some of the beggars he feeds to locate any cults or spies devoted to Iuz in the city. He has received some interesting intelligence on this matter, and he will share it with any adventurers who are similarly opposed to Iuz. The most interesting rumor he heard is that the notorious Falcon (who led the Spurned Cult of Iuz in Greyhawk) was not a human spellcaster, as many believe, but a snakelike monster. She was defeated a decade ago in a bid to conquer Greyhawk, but someone said that in one of her lairs was a peculiar egg. What became of the egg is not known. Did the Falcon have a child, and where is it now?


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