S8: Left Hand Inn

This nondescript inn offers cheap food, dnnk, and lodgings. The owner, known simply as "Mad Al," is surly and silent. Over the years he has driven away most of his regular customers with his rude observations and thoughtless insults.

Consequently, the inn is usually fairly empty and quiet. Characters are unlikely to run into anyone they know here.

The inn gets its name because of the left-handedness of the original proprietor. Drinks and food are free for any character who can throw a dagger into the bull's eye of a small target over the bar, using his or her left hand. The attack roll must hit AC 4, but be sure to also consider the character's handedness and proficiency with thrown blades.

The one lively night here is Earthday Eve, when most laborers look forward to the following Freeday. The inn hosts knife-throwing contests in both left- and right-handed categories, with prizes of 20 gp for each winner.

If PCs join the contest, the DM simply needs to deterrnme the THAC0s of several other skilled knife throwers. Each player throws. taking turns. A player is eliminated when he misses the bull's eye. If all contestants miss on a given round, however, the round is repeated.

S8: Left Hand Inn. This two-story inn is currently managed by a youth named Jinzar Short [LN hm zero-level; hp 3], the nephew of the former owner, “Mad Al.” Mad Al was an unpleasant man who was murdered in a brawl a few years ago, but not before nearly ruining his business. Jinzar managed to bring back former customers of the inn, and he caters to caravan guards, drovers, and workers at the Caravan Warehouse up the street. Dagger-tossing competitions are a regular feature on Earthday evening, with prizes offered for those with special skill. (Treat the target, at 30 feet, as AC 2.)

DM's Notes: The only attractive barmaid here is a spy for the Thieves’ Guild, Irzee [N hf T1; hp 2], hired two months ago. A rumor is floating around that Mad Al had considerable wealth that he’d hidden away over the years, and the cash is still hidden inside the inn. Irzee cleans the inn thoroughly but has not yet found anything unusual; flirting with Jinzar hasn't helped, either, as the youth knows nothing about any hidden treasure. A character who is also a member of the Thieves’ Guild and has treasure-finding ability would be welcomed by Irzee to help her locate the treasure and take a bit of it before turning the rest over to the guild.

What no one knows is that among the buried wealth Mad Al owned is a green statuette of a coiled snake. The statuette is cursed, and anyone touching it must save vs. spell or develop an insane attachment to the item. The person becomes very withdrawn, paranoid, and fearful — very much like Mad Al was. The item has other powers that become apparent when the name of an ancient Suloise snake goddess is uttered before it; this is a very dangerous item.


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