S9: Fedroot's Daggerarium

Fedroot is a craftsman of swarthy nature, surly disposition, and unknown origin. He is the finest weaponsmith in the Free City, and he knows it. He likes to be flattered, and he tolerates no questioning of his prices.

lf a character can put up with the smith's arrogance, he can come away from the deal with a magnificent piece of steel.

Fedroot's reputation was originally established with daggers, and he still carries an amazing selection. He has switchblades, throwing knives, stilettos, knives concealed in pipes, belts, and hats, knives with hollows for poison in the blade, and knives made to the specifications of wealthy customers.

Fedroot also makes swords of all types, and steel heads for arrows and spears. All of his weapons are of exceptional quality, though they are not magical.

There are several ways the quality can be reflected in the game, however. For example, the DM might give the weapon a 10% chance of breaking an opponent's blade in combat. Or it might do an additional point of damage against leather armor or softer targets. Or you can simply describe the wonderful attention to detail in the blade, hilt, and guard, leaving it to the player to savor his character's fine blade.

S9: Fedroot’s Daggerarium. The finest weaponsmith in Greyhawk is subject to debate, given the many skilled immigrants who have arrived in the city since the Greyhawk Wars began. However, the name of Fedroot still draws respect. An aged master of iron forging, Fedroot [N hm F2; hp 8; Str 16, Int 16, Con 16; war hammer +2] says nothing about his past, but his skill at blademaking is stupendous. Fedroot is swarthy in looks and sour in disposition, and he loves to be flattered. He also charges five times the normal price for any dagger or sword, but the price is considered worth it and he has a long waiting list of customers. He oversees four apprentice smiths of excellent reputation.

The “Daggerarium” specializes in selling daggers, including those which can be hurled, concealed, poisoned, or made to fit an unusually shaped hand. Mechanical daggers (switchblades, butterfly knives, etc.) are also around the shop. The shop also has swords, arrowheads, and so forth of superior quality.

DM's Notes: The daggers Fedroot makes are still the best that can be bought in the city. Aside from their marvelous decorations and superior make, the daggers often have minor extra abilities (none magical), such as granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls when thrown, a +1 attack bonus against leather, hide armor, or unarmored flesh, or a +1 bonus to resist crushing blows or other forms of destruction. This bonus can be hinted at by the weapon's appearance (superbly balanced, extremely sharp blade, reinforced blade and handle, and so on). If a character comes to Fedroot and wishes him to make a new sort of weapon, Fedroot will be intrigued and might make the weapon for free, just to see what it would be like. However, he’s seen and made almost every bladed weapon imaginable.


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