Samrad Bevrain "Master of Monsters"

Samrad is 5'10", 35 years old, 163 lbs., and has black hair and brown eyes. He is well-mannered and has a very pleasant open smile, and a melodic, charming voice. He dresses very practically, in tight-fitting moleskin trousers that are waterproofed with an aromatic oil. a leather jack over a thick cotton shirt, and knee-length waterproofed Samrad tracks down escaped otyughs and puddings and charms them, using his magical ring to calm them and give them orders. These monsters can then be sold to high class people in the city, who pay very highly for them. Samrad also has links with the Thieves' Guild, and may have accomplices "liberate" these monsters and tempt them into the sewers with a trail of food, where Samrad can charm them and lead them to his lair. The thieves get a cut of the final sale price. Samrad does the selling himself, and is known about town as the man you need to see if you want fast rubbish disposal and an unusual pet. He increases the price he gets with his high Charisma and the judicious use of a charm person spell if this seems safe. His (aboveground) home is in the Thieves' Quarter, where he is safe since the thieves know him as a helper and a source of income they could not otherwise obtain for themselves.

Samrad keeps his otyughs and crocodiles in cages he has had constructed at the junction of two sewer tunnels (location U7 on the Undercity map). The puddings are more difficult to keep (since they will make mush out of any wooden or metal enclosure), but Samrad ensures that they are well fed and because of this they tend to stay where they are, in the same general area.

At any given time, Samrad has 1d3 otyughs and neo-otyughs (50% chance for either), 1d4 puddings, and 1d6 giant crocodiles in his control. By charming these monsters and thus keeping them from being hostile, he makes life easier for the sewermen, who pay him protection money. They are happy because this protection works, and the union gets a kickback of part of the license fees that must be paid by people who purchase the monsters Samrad sells. (Samrad has not yet found a market for the crocodiles, but he's working on it.)

However, there is an annoying fly in the ointment with this otherwise cozy set of affairs. This is Maritai, the good priest who infuriates the sewerfolk with his helpful and charitable work.

AC 3 (bracers of defense AC 6, ring of protection + 1, and Dex 16 MV 12; MS; hp 31; THACO 18/17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 1 (dagger + 1 Str 11, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 16; AL N.

Spells: 4 1st, 3 2nd, 3 3rd, and 2 4th.

Spells usually memorized: charm person, detect magic, grease, magic missile (4 missiles), flaming sphere, mirror image, web, fly, gust of wind, hold person, charm monster ( x 2).

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 6, ring of protection + 1, dagger + 1, periapt of health, ioun stone (clear), wand of paralyzation, and a ring that enables him to speak with monsters three times per day.


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