Sarana High Matriarch of Pelor

Sarana is 54 years old, a homely lookmg woman with straw-colored hair and green eyes, dressed in the yellow and gold robes of Pelor. She is kindly and forgiving, and Pelor's faith is important in that it is the one faith of Good which the common people feel closest to. Sarana herself dislikes dealing with the high and mighty, and prefers talking with the lowly and shunned. She claims that beggars and slum folk are rascals, but often have more goodness in their hearts than the rich and greedy who live in the High Quarter.

She has many magical items which assist her in her work of healing, notably several staves of curing. Much of her time is taken up by participating in, and directing, the production of such magics. For PCs in Greyhawk, it is the temple of Pelor-if not necessarily Sarana-which is always recommended if aid such as cure disease, remove curse or raise dead is needed, but in the last-mentioned case a commune spell will always be cast to avoid raising any evil-aligned individual. Sarana is extremely friendly with Derider Fanshen and has trained the Constable many times; the two women have an unbreakable camaraderie.

AC 6 (ring of protection +4 MV 12; Pr14 ; hp88; THAC0 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 3 or more (mace of disruption Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 15; SA mace of disruption; AL NG.

Spells: 8 1st, 8 2nd, 7 3rd, 5 4th, 3 5th, 2 6th, and 1 7th.

Magical items: ring of protection +4, mace of disruption, staff of curing (sev eral also see below.


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