Scherrin Marizian, Ex-officio Representative of the Ulek States

Scherrin is 38 years old, 6’ tall, weighs 196 Ibs., and has light brown, curly hair and hazel eyes. His position is a singular one. He is not an official diplomat, lives in a home of his own in the Foreign Quarter (just off the Processional, near the Mercenaries’ Guildhall), and is not officially recognized by the Directors or the rulers of Ulek states as a representative. He operates as a merchant, specializing in rare woods and gems (having relevant skills/ proficiencies in both varieties of goods).

Scherrin is a 9th-level thief of NG alignment (Str 16, Dex 18, Int 17, Cha 15). He owns a crystal ball and a magical brass orb that can create a sending (3lday) accompanied by a visual representation of the person looking into the orb. The orb is 95% magic resistant to any divination spells, so the messages are hard to spy upon (and are always coded by Scherrin, anyway). The orb is used for communications with rulers and diplomats in the Ulek states. Scherrin also owns rings of mind shielding and free action.

Scherrin fits into the diplomatic life of Greyhawk as follows. Everyone simply knows that he sends messages to advisers (of unknown identity) in all three Ulek states. The messages concern generally useful information he has acquired in the Free City. His reach of knowledge is broad. He sends information concerning trade and prices, activities of ambassadors, information from friends of Ulek, reports of the state of play along the Wild Coast (the “second front” of the Pomarj, hence of great interest to the Principality of Ulek in particular), and much else.

He is paid for this service in the form of items sent to him for trade. Scherrin also provides information from Ulek to the other states with which it is allied or friendly (notably Urnst) when it is deemed wise (or expeditious) to convey this by “unofficial” channels. Scherrin never betrays the secrets of his contacts. Not even torture would extract it from him.

Scherrin has many agents and contacts within the Free City. Street urchins spying on warehouses, halfling thieves keeping watch from cover of certain houses and homes, and some freelance thieves are among his many sources of information. Scherrin knows myriad people and many things.

Scherrin may have his nifty fingers in many, many pies. He won’t be the initiator of intrigues, but he vdl be a cog in many schemes and plots. His key role is to keep the forces of good in communication and to provide tactically and logistically valuable information. He does not waylay, murder, kidnap, mount burglaries himself, or similarly get directly involved. The DM can weave this character into city adventures involving PCs of almost any level of experience.


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