Schinus Balint, Commander of the Cairn Hills Force

AC -21-5 (chain mail of command +5, shield +1, +4 vs. missiles MV 12; F11; hp 78; THACO 10; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8 +31+6 (long sword +2, +5 vs. goblinoids Str 17, Dex 1 1, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 13 (18 AL LN.

Magical items: chain mail +5 of command, long sword + 2, + 5 vs. goblinoids, flying carpet (2 person capacity), ring of feather falling, ring of mind shielding.

Schinus is a mere 28 years old, 6‘ 2” tall, and a well-muscled 2 13 Ibs., with short-cropped fair hair and blue-gray eyes. He is a native Greyhawker, joining the militia in early 581 CY and rising through the ranks swiftly. Tigran Gellner recommended him as his successor, and while older officers grumbled about it and often stymied him, he has been a worthy successor to Gellner. He is mostly found at Fort Gellner, but travels with the Mountaineer Militia to Storm Keep and Hardby using his magical carpet, and to Greyhawk itself to furnish intelligence reports to the Directors.

Much of Schinus’ role is administrative and political, and he is bright and wise enough to carry this off well. He speaks dwarven and gnomish, which stands him in good stead when dealing with recalcitrant or punctilious demihumans. He rather enjoys the political side of his operations. Most of all, he likes gathering his garrison commanding officers for a good feast and to make plans for extending patrols, raiding humanoids, and collating information. Schinus is well respected by his men, who consider him stern but always fair.

Schinus has a secret ambition: he wants to hunt down Robilar and Rary and kill them. Schinus had his own life saved from a dragon turtle by Tenser, and has been an escort to Jallarzi Sallavarian, and he hopes to track down the renegades, revenge his old friend Tenser, and present himself covered in glory to Jallarzi, whom he admires and desires greatly. Thus, he is ever eager to hear from the Mountaineer Militia and to overfly the Bright Desert himself, and will wish to interrogate any adventurers returning from that arid land if he hears of their travels there.


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