A sect, in this context, is a subgroup or denomination of a larger church—usually either dominant or independent, though a few cults grow large enough to boast multiple denominations. It follows the same god and most of the same dictates as the larger church, but diverges in a few specific details. For instance, a group of Pelor’s followers who view the sun god as a harsher deity who burns away weakness, and who focus on a neutral alignment and a “survival of the fittest” mentality would qualify as a sect.

How well a sect is accepted by its parent church or its sibling sects depends on the alignment and attitudes of everyone involved. If the offspring denomination follows very similar tenets, and if the two faiths are of a similar (and non-evil) alignment, the parent church likely allows the sect to operate relatively unmolested. It might pass a few regulations restricting some of its activities, but for the most part—so long as it does not embarrass or damage the larger church and continues to follow its laws—a sect can function as it likes. If a sect strongly diverges from the parent church, however, or if one or the other is of evil alignment, the larger church might try to eradicate the sect. This situation can result in the creation of various secret societies, a schism and civil war within the church, or even a complete separation (in which case the sect evolves into either an independent church or a cult).

Associated Skills: As the parent church, plus Bluff if the sect is secretive.

Duties: As the parent church, if the sect is open and accepted. In the case of a conflicted or secret sect, the member’s duties are roughly equivalent to those of an independent church, and the member must keep details of the sect’s activities secret.

Favored Benefits: As the parent church, if the sect is open and accepted. In the case of a conflicted or secret sect, members swiftly learn techniques for keeping their affiliation secret. The character gains a +1 bonus on Bluff checks when dealing with matters of religious affiliation. Additionally, he can make use of the Deceptive Spell feat (see page 60) once per day, without the associated increase in spell slot, even if he does not possess that feat. This ability can be applied only to domain spells or to spells that, for reasons of alignment, could not be cast by members of the parent church.

Sample Contact: Sister Tabuela (cleric 9). Tabuela will cast commune on behalf of a PC. Once per year.


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