Sental Nurev Captain-General of the Watch

AC 3 (splint mail and shield MV 9; F13; hp 85; THAC0 8; #AT 2: Dmg 1d10 +2 (halberd +1) (lasso, halberd, man catcher, long- sword, bo stick, jo stick, crossbow, club Str 16, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14; AL NG.

Magical items: halberd + 1. man catcher + 3, bo stick of striking (as staff). symbol of hopelessness beneath hinged panel on stueld.

Sental is 39 years old, 6'2" tall but walks with a slight stoop so he looks shorter than this, weighing 190 lbs., with thinning blond hair and a moustache. He fights with his halberd+1 if he must, but prefers to disable enemies with his mancatcher + 3 or a lasso if he can. His shield has a hinged cover which he can move to reveal a symbol of hopelessness beneath it - very useful in riots!

Sental Nurev was born near Greyhawk, the child of impoverished, country gentlefolk. At an early age, he decided that the only way out of his poverty was his skill with weapons. A neighbor who had retired from the adventuring life offered Sental and his brother tutelage, and when they became orphaned, they headed for Greyhawk. Sental joined the watch, learning about city life while serving as a policeman/militiaman. His dedication to duty and his natural talents soon earned him promotion, and his utter fearlessness helped him gain skill rapidly. While still in his early thirties, he became Captain of the Watch, and was known to all as a solid, respected citizen.

With these false watchmen reporting his actions, Sental could no longer bluff his brother’s captors with useless, out-of-date information. He was forced to send the very best information available as quickly as he could get it. He threatened to quit his post once, and received his brother’s thumb in a package at his home a few days later. He was painfully aware that if his treachery were discovered, he would at the very least be imprisoned for a long time in Greyhawk’s dungeons.

Sental Nurev is currently a haggard-looking man. He is tall but stooped, with thinning blond hair and a ragged beard and moustache. He chews his moustache when he is worried, and since he has had much to worry about recently, his moustache is well-chewed. Sental is married and has three children, ages 14,11, and 9. His wife worries a great deal about him; she can see the burden upon him, but can not learn what it is.

In all matters except those controlled by his unseen masters, Sental Nurev is an excellent Captain-General of the Watch. He is nearly incorruptible (his brother’s kidnappers knew this; that is the reason for the kidnapping), fearless, and always under perfect control. His preference for non-lethal weapons such as the lasso or man-catcher is a remnant of his days as an ordinary watchman. He learned that criminals were easier to take in if they came under their own power, rather than needing stretcher-bearers, and then a cleric to heal them before trial. He is not a man who kills needlessly. When possible, he will capture his subject alive and take him to jail. This preference sometimes causes misconceptions; some very foolish people think that, because Sental Nurev prefers not to kill, he will not kill. They are wrong.

Sental owns a man catcher +3, halberd +I, bo stick of striking (as staff), and a shield with a symbol of hopelessness cast on the front, behind a hinged cover that he can manipulate while using the shield. These items are very useful should a riot occur.

Sental Nurev is popular, even with thieves and assassins-unlike some of the watchmen, he doesn’t feel that lawbreakers exist simply to be killed on a whim. Even the most notorious thief or assassin will be treated as fairly as any other person in Greyhawk, or Sental will demand an explanation. If Sental ever learned of any watchmen extorting bribes from citizens, those responsible would find themselves in a great deal of trouble.

Player characters could meet Sental Nurev in several ways. If they wish to join the watch of Greyhawk, they will need to prove themselves to Sental. He only accepts prospects who prove to his satisfaction that they are sufficiently skilled and loyal.

Any PCs who obtain information about the current whereabouts of Sental Nurev’s brother will have made a friend for life. Sental has been unable to learn the exact location of his brother in the Bandit Kingdoms. If the PCs provide Sental with information while in Greyhawk, he will go directly to the Assassins Guild Master. Turin Deathstalker is indebted to Sental Nurev and likes him personally, and therefore would be quite willing to attempt to convince the kidnappers that releasing their captive would be in their best interests.

If the PCs are lawbreakers, they may find themselves dealing with Sental Nurev on a professional level. He will not be amenable to bribe attempts, but will not treat people who attempt to bribe him any worse than he would anyone else.

Sental Nurev is a Director, a trusted and usually incorruptible man. However, he is currently under desperate stress. His brother Sarek is being held prisoner by rulers tn Stoink, and Sental has been blackmailed into providing information about political decisions in, and the defenses of, Greyhawk to the agent of these men in the Free City, Skandar Gundersson. Further, this hold has been strengthened by Gundersson 's acquiring material evidence of Sental's acquiescence in this matter, so not only his brother's safety but Sental's own neck depends on his continuing to feed information to the bandits. Sental would not worry for himself, but the fate of his brother, his wife, and his three young children worry him to distraction. It is very hard for him to keep up with his duties, and some people are beginning to notice this. There are already whispers that Sental should be retired.


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