Social Class: Lower.

Power Center: Never.

Buildings: Poor residences (98%).

Description: Here dwell the poorest of the poor. Many who reside here cannot afford even a simple room in a flophouse. They squat in broken-down buildings, or pitch lean-tos against overcrowded apartment houses, and simply attempt to survive from day to day. No shops exist here beyond the occasional streetcorner vendor. The inhabitants wear whatever rags they can scrounge up. The streets are in poor repair, drains (if they exist) back up frequently, and the district is choked with the stink of waste, unwashed bodies, and even rotting flesh.

Plot Hook: The inhabitants of a shantytown make the perfect prey for a vampire. They have few defenses, city officials rarely listen to their complaints, and no one cares about unclaimed corpses lying along the road or in gutters. The PCs might become involved when an acquaintance or relative becomes the latest victim, or when a champion of the district’s poor comes to them with her suspicions.


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