Sharyn Messandier - Sharyn of Kurell - Master Thief, Thieves' Quarter

Sharyn performs a special function for the guild. Although she originally tramed as a thief, after a serious mishap in which the rest of her thief band was killed and only Sharyn escaped, she became convinced that she was the chosen of Kurell, god of thieves , and began training as a priest. Her advance as a priest has been rapid, and she has been retained by the guild to administer the Guildhall and take charge of operations within the Thieves' Quarter.

Sharyn believes that she is a woman with a mission. She has converted part of the Guildhall into a shrine to Kurell and insists that the thieves in her quarter attend regular services. So far this has been tolerated by the membership, since Sharyn's unique blend of priest spells and thief abilities has provided valuable assistance on numerous operations.

But this is not enough for Sharyn. She has cultivated a friendship with Tomas Ratek of the River Quarter and convinced him that he should launch a bid for guild leadership, with herself as his lieutenant. This is only part of her plan, however; once Tomas is installed, she believes he would be easy to manipulate and she would wield the real power, convert the entire guild to worship of her god, and lead a holy war of thieves for control of the city.

Except for Thieves' Guild missions, Sharyn does not normally leave the Guildhall. She is polite to adventurers she may encounter (though obviously not if they've broken into the Guildhall), seeing them not as potential sources of income for the guild but more as potential converts to her deity.

AC 2 (chain mail, cloak of protection +2, and Dex 15 MV 12; T6/Pr7; hp 31; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +2 (foot man's mace + 1 Str 11, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 11; SA triple dam age from backstab; AL CN.

Thieving skills: PP 45, OL 35. FT 35. MS 45, HS 35, ON 20, CW 85, RL 30.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 3 3rd, and 1 4th.

Spells usually memorized: command, cure light wounds, detect magic, pass without trace, remove fear, aid, find traps, hold person, silence 15' radius, wyvem watch, dispel magic, locate ob ject, meld into stone, cure serious wounds.


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