Shrink Item

The permanent version of this spell is only of limited use, since only the original caster can expand and reshrink the target object. That said, if you can pull it off—or have such a caster in your employ or among your friends—it can be a useful spell for the imaginative stronghold owner.

This spell is especially handy if you have some kind of large, awkward, or heavy item—anything from a catapult to a pipe organ—that needs to move easily from place to place on a regular basis.

Don’t limit your thinking merely to solid objects, however. Shrinking a large brazier or fire pit allows you always to have a warm and ready fire. A shrunken pool of water turned clothlike could be worn as a shimmering, transparent cape, but you could throw down the cape and transform it back into water at any time. If holy water filled the pool, this tactic could prove even more useful.

Casting: 150 gp (Wiz5) or 180 gp (Sor6)

Permanent: 8,050 gp (11th)


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