Simeon Hellwater The Treasurer

Simeon is 43 years old, 6'2" tall, and 150 lbs. His pallid skin is in part due to the many years he has spent indoors, poring over the accounts and ledgers of the union in his office at the Palace of Trash. Simeon is Gaspar's closest confidante and ultimately knows more about the running of the union and the union's business than does even the Beggarmaster himself. Simeon is trusted implicitly by all who deal with him, he is meticulous in all his calculations, and he has a fine eye for detail.

Simeon is a dour, somber man who likes to keep to himself. He dresses in simple black robes and spends practically all his waking hours engrossed in his work. Perhaps his honesty and selfless devotion to duty should have aroused suspicion, for indeed his infrequent visits to the Hanged Man Inn (location T25) tavern are not for recreational purposes. Simeon has been a fully paid-up member of the Thieves' Guild since his youth and has been acting as a guild agent within the Beggars' Union from the time of Gaspar's takeover. Simeon passes on full details of the union's finances and operations to Org Nenshen's agents in the Thieves' Quarter.

AC 3 (bracers of defense AC 6, Dex 17 MV 12; F4/T5; hp 35; THAC0 17/ 15; NAT l; Dmg l d3 +3 (buckle knife +3 Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Jnt 16, Wis 10, Cha 9; SA triple damage from back stab; AL N (E).

Thieving skills: PP 50, OL 40, FT 40, MS 40, HS 35. DN 20. CW 80. RL 20.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 6. buckle knife + 3, ring of X-ray vision.


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