Simpkin Furzear -The Weasel - Master Thief, Foreign Quarter

The Weasel is 72 years old, 3'2" tall, and 72 lbs. The Weasel is plain and simply a nasty piece of work. His rasping speech, greased-back black hair, and appalling sense of dress mark Simpkin as a truly repellent character. The Weasel controls the gambling at The Pit, where he will often be encountered keeping a close eye on his business. The Weasel and Pietain Morvannis, the manager of The Pit, do not have a good working relationship, but Pietain is careful (at the in sistence of Andrade Mirrius, the owner) not to antagonize the halfling. Despite his own considerable power and contacts, Andrade cannot afford a head-to-head confrontation with the Thieves' Guild.

The Weasel loves his work, and there is nothing he enjoys more than seeing taller folk squirm. He brings out his ring of human influence occasionally, to help him deal with an emergency or to further his devious schemes and plans. It was this ring that prompted Org Nenshen to appoint Simpkin as Master of the Thieves' Quarter despite the Guildmaster's reservations. The Weasel struts arrogantly (well, as arrogantly as someone only just over 3' tall can strut) around the Foreign Quarter and is liable to pick on adventurers without any provocation. In short, the Weasel is a bully- and a very dangerous one at that!

AC 1 (leather armor, ring of protection +3, and Dex 18 MV 6; T12 ; hp 56; THAC0 15/13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +2 (dagger +2, longtooth Str 9, Dex 18, Con 13. Int 15, Wis 10. Cha 10; SA quadruple damage from backs tab; AL N (NE).

Thieving skills: PP 95, OL 85, FT 80, MS 90, HS 85, ON 30, CW 80, RL 40.

Magical items: ring of protection + 3; dagger + 2, longtooth; and ring of human influence.


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