Sir Lemajen Sterrich

AC 8/0 (chain mail +3, rarely worn; Dex 16 MV 12; R10; hp 71; THACO 1 1; #AT 3/~; Dmg ld8 + 311d4 + 2 (long sword +2 or dagger + 1 Str 17, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14; SD hide in shadows 63%, move silently 78%; AL NG.

Spells (priest): 2 lst, 2 2nd (typically animal friendship, bless; speak with animals, charm person or mammal).

Magical items: chain mail + 3, long sword + 2, dagger + I, ring of free action.

Lemajen is 26 years old, 6’ tall, and 199 Ibs., with curly, brown-auburn hair, and green eyes. He dresses comfortably in cotton shirt and leather pants, and is a fine figure of a man (or so some female admirers claim).

Lemajen is a Knight of Furyondy who has friends among the Knights of the High Forest, where he has spent much of his adventuring life. Born in a small village north of Chendl, he spent much of the war fighting in the Vesve Forest. He has two roles in the Free City.

First, he works as a merchant with associate membership in the Merchants’ and Traders’ Union. He serves as broker for cargoes imported from the Highfolk, including goods brought in from Perrenland. He is an excellent salesman and estimator of the value of goods (he has the Appraising proficiency for mercantile goods, since his father is a merchant), and his very likeable and affable manner helps him to make fair profits on deals. The funds he acquires are fed back to the Order of the Hart, through liasons on the staff of Parras Haradraith, the Velunese Ambassador, and Elskan Samarade, the Furyondian delegate.

Second, Lemajen is always on the lookout for mercenaries or rangers he can dispatch north to be hirelings for the Order, most especially in Highfolk (rangers) and northern Furyondy (other warriors). He pays some of the City watchmen some silvers to keep an eye out for likely candidates entering the City gates, and rewards them with gold if he finds someone worthwhile. Lemajen is very honest in such dealings, although he keeps his identity as a Knight of the Hart secret from all but a very select few. He is an excellent conduit for any DM to send likely PCs north to a life of adventure, if this is what they seek.

Lemajen lives in a house in the Foreign Quarter on the south side of Horseshoe Road, just west of the Mercenaries’ Guildhall. His household is notable for his two fine Velunese Staghounds, (use War Dog stats.), long-haired, retriever-type dogs that are friendly and exuberant of temperament.

Lemajen has an excellent halfling cook who caters for his visitors, other Knights of the Hart, Velunese and Furyondian attaches, and others who tend to visit without drawing attention to themselves. Carmen Halmaster and Dernan Nathane of the Merchants' and Traders' Union are known to be on good terms with Lemajen, and since they are Directors, this says much for the young Knights charisma and influence.


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