Skandar Gundersson Bandit/Blackmailer

Skandar Gundersson hails from the Bandit Kingdoms, having been raised in and around Riftcrag by a surly, drunken father (his mother died in childbirth). He is 6'0" tall, 203 lbs., with wavy blonde hair and light blue eyes. He walks with a slight limp, the remnant of a poorly set broken thighbone sustained in a club fight in Stoink. Despite his alignment, Gundersson is trusted by his nefarious masters in Stoink, and spies carefully on Sental Nurev. Gundersson delivers messages to him using his magical crossbow, which combines the properties of accuracy and distance , making it a formidable weapon. Gundersson enjoys embellishing the orders to Nurev with graphic descriptions of what will happen to the Captain-General's unfortunate brother in the event of him not doing what he is told.

Gundersson can be found in almost any low dive in the River or Thieves' Quarter, and his depraved tastes take him into the Slum Quarter from time to time. He is an unpleasant , unscrupulous, and sadistic brute. but he does know a thing or two about the Horned Society (as the DM determines, concerning its agents and activities in Greyhawk) and in extremis might trade this for his life, to PCs or to the authorities if apprehended in his spying.

AC 3 (chain mail + 1 and Dex 15 MV 9; F5; hp 47; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 +4 (two-handed sword + 1) or ld6 +3 (crossbow of accuracy Str 18/08, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 11; AL CE.

Magical items: chain mail + 1, two handed sword + 1, crossbow of accuracy, philters of glibness (several), ring of jumping.


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