A slavers guild is an odd organization. In most civilized realms, it is a subset of the criminal guild—either a branch of a larger organization, or another form of guild frowned upon by local law enforcement. In particularly vile or corrupt regions, slavers guilds operate openly, and in slaver cities, such guilds might hold more political and local power than the nominal government.

Although a slavers guild is usually based in a particular city, it must operate throughout a much larger area in order to gather suffi cient “merchandise” to function. Slavers guilds purchase prisoners from the city or other legal slave-owners where possible, but most have no compunctions about kidnapping foreigners or even poor citizens to meet their quotas. Loan sharks and crime lords often sell clients to a slavers guild if the poor souls cannot repay their debts.

Associated Classes: Fighter, rogue, scout (Complete Adventurer), sorcerer, wizard.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Intimidate, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope.

Duties: Members must spend at least four days out of every month in direct service to the guild. In some instances, this might simply involve arranging sales and meeting with clients. For characters with levels in adventuring classes, however, these duties more likely involve capturing new slaves or guarding and transporting those already under the guild’s whip.

Favored Benefits: Favored members of the guild can purchase slaves at a 20% discount. Further, if a favored member needs a few hours of physical labor performed, the guild provides the temporary loan of slaves, free of charge.

Sample Contact: Durland Galth (human expert 3/ rogue 3). Durland will aid the PCs in tracking the sale of any slaves provided by the guild, or in discovering where said slaves might have originated. Once every 2 months.


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