
This gnomish silver mine is excavatea by 325 gnomes who have always been independent and surly of character. Duke Karll of Urnst was none too happy to cede the mine to Greyhawk, and diplomacy by the militia has been largely fruitless here. Sourlode accepts its new role as part of Greyhawk‘s fief, but pays tithes of silver and a few gems late and grudgingly. The gnomes cook the books, and always feign having gathered less than they actually get.

Sourlode is so named because, among the few gems the mine produces, a handful have been discovered that seem to weep a viscous fluid that smells acrid and sour. Within 24 hours of each such gem being found, a magical monster has invariably appeared within the mines, rampaging berserkly and destroying everything in sight. The slate of monsters has included a manticore, a gorgimera, and-most recently, in 582 CY-a crypt thing that wreaked havoc with its teleporting abilities.

The gnomes accept this hazard because these rogue gems are found rarely (one every 5-10 years) and because the mine is otherwise quite rich. They do have time to prepare for an attack when a “sour gem” is found, and can minimize damage and casualties.

Sourlode’s clan leader is Garlan Baranmare, a fighter/illusionist of levels 7/7 and neutral alignment. He is fairly tyrannical by gnomish standards, but his persuasiveness (Cha 17) in dealing with outsiders is valued by the others, who mostly wish to be left alone. Notably, the gnomes here are not humorous little fellows; the expression popular as a joke in Sourlode” is widely used in western Urnst.


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