The camps north of Fleichshriver dispatch Uroz and Jebli orcs, together with hobgoblins, into the Fellreev south of the Artonsamay. These lands are largely controlled by Iuz's humanoids and contain a fair scattering of small, semi-permanent, crude encampments. Increasingly, these forces are trying to press across the river, where they meet stiff resistance from the wood elves and Reyhu bandits. The land north of the river, especially to the west and within 20 miles of it, has an escalating number of skirmish battles. The elves and bandits acquit themselves well, so far. As of yet, priests and mages of Iuz have not been sent to this skirmish zone in sufficient strength to have a decisive effect, remaining instead at Fleichshriver to help with magical research there. Sending undead to attack has not been successful, since the elves detect and deal with them very swiftly.