Spurned Vale

Technically, Spurned Vale lies within the Duchy of Urnst, but nearly 600 Nyrondese have fled here since the war. This community tries to make a living from the edges of the forest and foothills, and in doing so they have angered the wild and strong Urnst hillmen, and the particularly xenophobic woodsmen who live in the forested- hills to the northwest. Skirmishes, even a battle, have put this wretched and beleaguered community at its wits' end.

People here are truly just scavengers, some wearing little more than rags. Some have taken to the worship of evil deities, feeling that all else has failed them. This is fertile terrain for an evil priest to cultivate should one happen by. There are tales of hidden evil shrines in the southern hills, and darker rumors of blood cults hidden among the local people. These rumors could form the basis of a good low-level adventure.


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