St. Cuthbert

St. Cuthbert: This deity and his priests find the greatest share of their following among the common folk, who revere the deity's protective aspect and like the no nonsense, common sense approach of his priests. This priesthood is beginning to take precedence over that of Beory in the affections of ordinary people, especially in rural areas.

Local community priests of St. Cuthbert are practical men and women. During the week, there is little to distinguish them from ordinary folk toiling in the fields. Only on days of rest and worship do they don their priestly apparel to lecture their flocks. Nobles and powerful fighters do not take after St. Cuthbert much, snobbishly regarding the faith as somewhat vulgar. Nonetheless, St. Cuthbert’s Overseer in Chendl, the formidable Redankin Desmart, tweaks ears among the powerful. They know he speaks the feelings of the people, and they know that he is honest if not exactly diplomatic. St. Cuthbert's priests plead caution. The ordinary people have suffered enough. Furyondy needs rebuilding and peace. They urge vigilance against Iuz, but vigilance in defense.


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