Stealth of Thieves & Assassins

Attributes: .................Agility & Discipline

Level: .........................DF: 4 BCS 30%; 600 Exp

The character is able to avoid being detected and is able to close the distance on someone to within 30 feet using various techniques such as cover, shadows, blending into the crowd and just looking like an innocent bystander. The end result of this might be picking a pocket or delivering a blow such as a mugging or worse a backstabbing. If successful subtract his PSF% from his quarry’s chance of detecting him. In urban setting he could be trailing, tracking his subject for information gathering purposes on his movements.

The gamemaster may decide to impose penalties on the skill roll between -10% and -30% depending upon the circumstances. A failure means a detection roll can be made to spot him if he is within sight or hearing range.

This skill can be used at ½ PSF% in a wilderness setting in place of the Forester’s Stealth skill.


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