Stivak Dorbreddin Freelance Thief

Stivak leads two lives. By day he is a well-to-do and respected merchant with a fine house in the High Quarter. By night, Stivak becomes "the Phantom," a renegade thief who specializes in cat burglary. Stivak is a major source of irritation to the Thieve s' Guild. He has proved altogether too skillful, too daring and too careful in his activities to betray his identity. Some of his escapades are still talked about in the city, and Stivak is extremely proud of having stolen the violet oracle of Greyhawk (the most important one) from right under the very nose of the Lord Mayor himself- and Nerof is justifiably furious at the theft!

Unlike members of the guild, Stivak targets the homes and property of the rich and influential and has managed to cultivate some very dangerous and powerful enemies. Stivak knows that he is pushing his luck, but the thrill and excitement of it all forces him to repeatedly do "just one more job." Stivak will always leave a coin bearing a ghostly image at the scene of his thefts. These coins are specially minted by a forger acquaintance of Stivak's in Admundfort.

Stivak is no lover of violence, carrying no more than a dagger + 2 and wearing no more armor than his cloak of protection + 3. This simply adds to the excitement in his eyes-all he simply has to do is avoid being caught, which, with the aid of his other magical possessions. is not difficult to do.

Stivak will be encountered at all the best parties and most important cultural events (though not on opening nights, as these are normally good nights for working). Stivak will often befriend adventurers, although he will not betray his secret unless he is absolutely sure that they are completely trustworthy. He is extremely proud of his achievements and dreams of doing the "big one": breaking into the vaults beneath the Thieves' Guild.

AC 4 (cloak of protection + 3 and Dex 17 MV 12; T11; hp 48; THAC0 15/13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +2 (dagger +2 Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15; SA quadruple damage from backstab; AL CG.

Thieving skills: PP 50, OL 65, FT 65; MS 80, HS 75, DN 35, CW 95, RL 40.

Magical items: cloak of protection + 3, dagger + 2, potion of invisibility, rope of climbing, ring of telekinesis, wand of secret door and trap location.


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