Suloise -Suel Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Suloise -Suel

Suloise is generally used in reference to the Suloise people, (sometimes called the "Suel"), a race of humans living in the Flanaess, though the term may also refer to the language and culture of said people.

The Suel began migrating to the Flanaess in large numbers circa -447 CY, from the Suel Imperium. The numbers of the Suloise Migration increased dramatically after the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire in -422 CY. The Suel settled in many regions of the Flanaess, often competing with the native Flan and migrant Oeridians, as well as non-human inhabitants such as the elves and dwarves.


Though people of Suel descent can be found nearly anywhere in the Flanaess, notable lands that contain a significant number of Suel include the Thillonrian Peninsula, the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Lordship of the Isles, the Sea Barons, the Sheldomar Valley, and the Urnst States. The Lendore Isles were once home to a large contingent of Suel, but most humans have been expelled from that land since the cult of Sehanine Moonbow gained control after the Greyhawk Wars.


The traditional calendar of the Suel people is known as the Suloise Dating.


Purebred Suel typically have pale skin, with albinism being far more common than among other races. Violet and pale blue eyes are common, with gray and deep blue less common. Hair color is fair, from several shades of blond to light red, and is often kinky in texture.


Suloise fashion favors solid colors, with parti-colored garments marking higher social station. Emblems, tokens, or similar affectations (typically in hues contrasting their clothes), often mark status or affiliation with ancient Suel houses and traditions. The ancient Suel often wore loose-fitting pantaloons covered by a baggy blouse, but their fashion has adapted to various climes in the centuries following the Great Migrations.

Suloise folk have long used solid colors. Aristocratic houses have two or more such colors in their dress, so parti-colored garments are not uncommon. Similarly, the Suel people tend to favor display of emblems or tokens on their garments, typically of a contrasting color to their basic one. Dress was originally loose pantaloons topped by a baggy blouse. This form of dress has been changed to meet the needs of the vary ing climates, so the northern Suloise barbarians wear furs and skin garments, while those in the southern most area have replaced the blouse with vest-like upper wear.
The predominant racial strain and particular admixtures of each of the major states of the Flanaess is given in the list which follows. The first letter is the predominant strain. Thus, "OSf" would mean an admixture of Oeridian with a strong Suel strain and a weak Flan mix, as the "f" is uncapitalized. Had it been "OSF" (with a capital F), the indication would be that the Flan influence was only scarcely less than that of the Suel. Almor — OS Bandit Kingdoms — OFSb Bissel — OSB Bone March — (SO) Dyvers — OSfb Gran March — SOf Great Kingdom — OS Greyhawk — OSfb Highfolk — Os Idee — OS Irongate — Os Keoland — SOf Lordship of the Isles — So Nyrond — Os Pomarj — (SO) Ratik — Sof Rel Astra — Os Sea Barons — So Sea Princes — SOf South Province — Os Spindrift Isles — So Sterich — OFS Ulek, County — OFS Ulek, Duchy — (Sfo) Ulek, Principality — (SO) Urnst, County — SO Valley of the Mage — OBf Veluna — Osf Verbobonc — Ofs Wild Coast — Sof Yeomanry — SOf The inmixture of Oeridian and Suel is expressed as (SO) in the list. The original Flannae stock shows up with either Oeridian or Suloise or both as a coppery or bronze overtone. Oeridian and Baklunish develops a fairly light complexion, but the skin coloration is true yellow. A hybrid of Baklunish and Flannae gives a golden-copper or golden-bronze color which is possibly the most attractive complexion of any of the admixtures of the basic races. In general, the skin color of an individual is of no particular importance. The dark Flan complexion shows up quite often in most nations. By contrast, the nobles of the Great Kingdom are proud of being light-skinned, just as the rulers of Tenh are overly conscious of the supposed superiority of their deep bronze color. In the central region of the Flanaess, from western Urnst Duchy to Geoff, there is little heed paid to either skin color or racial type, whether human or demi-human (or even humanoid, in some places). The main exception to this is the demihuman kingdoms, where humankind is judged inferior, especially in Celene

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