Summoning Stone

When any creature comes within 30 feet of one of these menhirlike stones, the stone summons a creature from another plane (as summon monster). Summoned creatures will attack anything coming within 30 feet of the stone. A summoning stone functions three times a day.

The creature summoned is set at the time of the stone’s creation. The table below indicates some typical creatures, though you may select any appropriate creature from the summon monster tables in the Player’s Handbook.

When creating a summoning stone, you may set a password or passphrase that allows characters to approach it without activating it

Summoning stones come in nine varieties:

Stone Type Typical Creature(s) Market Price
I Celestial dog
Fiendish hawk
1,500 gp
II Celestial eagle
Fiendish wolf
1d3 fiendish dire rats
3,000 gp
III Small elemental
Fiendish dire bat
1d3 fiendish hyenas
4,500 gp
IV Lantern archon
Hell hound
1d3 juvenile salamanders
8,400 gp
V Formian warrior
Adult salamander
1d3 vargouilles
13,500 gp
VI Large elemental
1d3 hound archons
19,800 gp
VII Invisible stalker
Blue slaad
1d3 barbazus
27,300 gp
VIII Greater elemental
Elder salamander
1d3 djinn
36,000 gp
IX Couatl
1d3 formian taskmasters
45,900 gp

Caster Level: 5th (I, II, III), 7th (IV), 9th (V), 11th (VI), 13th (VII), 15th (VIII), 17th (IX Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster I–IX (same as level of item Market Price: see table above.


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