
Symbols differ from most spells that you can program to activate only under certain circumstances, in that they can react to a person’s name, identity, or alignment, as well as to the standard observable circumstances. For instance, a good character could put up symbols that only affect evil characters. This makes the symbol much harder to circumvent, since you needn’t use passwords or identifying insignia.

When symbol is cast, you can attune it to anyone within 60 feet. This means that the symbol won’t affect these beings, even if triggered nearby. However, since you can’t add anyone to this attunement after the casting, it doesn’t work well in situations of rapid staff turnover.

At the time of creating a carefully inscribed symbol— quickly scribed ones aren’t of much long-term use in a stronghold—you can also specify a password, but to do so risks the security of the thing. Passwords can be overheard or given out by traitorous underlings.

A permanent symbol allows you to avoid recasting the spell every time intruders trigger it. Though this costs more than individual castings, it can prove a bargain if you anticipate repeated intrusions. If you make a quickly scribed symbol permanent, it remains always on rather than being triggered by specific actions.

Most times, builders inscribe symbols on doors or over portals, but an ambitious character could put them on every exterior wall of her stronghold. Those who worry about attacks from above could inscribe symbols on the roof as well.

Symbols work best when paired with another spell, such as a permanent alarm or a magic mouth. Otherwise, you might wake up one morning and go for a stroll around your stronghold only to find a heap of bodies (sleeping, dead, insane, or otherwise) scattered about the outer walls of your place. With the notifying magic in place, you can respond to the threat right away, hopefully before any friends of the symbol’s victims manage to defeat or circumvent it.

Some characters place a symbol of hopelessness or a symbol of persuasion over their chair in their main meeting hall. In this way, they can affect the minds of those who come to visit them.

Other times, stronghold owners use more deadly symbols, set to go off at the sound of a trigger word from the character or at the removal of an awning or tapestry that conceals the symbols. Of course, the character and any nearby companions, if not attuned to the symbol, run the same risk of exposure as anyone else in the room.

Remember that symbols only function if they can be seen or touched. This instance is another in which continual flame or—even better—permanent dancing lights can come in handy. Not only do dancing lights illuminate the area, but they attract the attention of unwary souls, drawing them closer to the symbol until it’s too late.

Casting: 11,200 gp if carefully inscribed or 6,200 gp (Clr15 or Wiz15) or 11,280 gp if carefully inscribed or 6,280 gp (Sor16)

Permanent: 20,800 gp (16th)


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