T10: Chapel of Olidammara

This is the lively center of worship for the deity of social gaiety, music, good fellowship, and drinking. Passers-by are welcomed every Godsday to the celebrations here. which last well into the night and include plenty of the very sweet wine favored by these priests and their followers.

The central sanctuary is a low ceilinged chamber with many columns throughout the room. The heavy columns cast numerous shadows about the room, accented by the few torches and lanterns burned here at night.

The chapel contains little of value. The priests fight fanatically to prevent its desecration, however, using their thieflike hide in shadows ability to surprise opponents within the chapel.

Six Priests of Olidammara: AC 4; MV 6; Pr5: hp 28: THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6; Spells: 3 1st, 3 2nd, and 1 3rd

T10: Chapel of Olidammara. As temples go, this one devoted to Olidammara is certainly among the liveliest. Music, drinking, singing, dancing, and celebrating are encouraged here on Godsdays (and other days) by the half-dozen priests here, led by the cheerful Alsi Svenits [CN hf B4/C9 — Olidammara; hp 39; Str 15, Dex 16, Int 15, Cha 16; four magical music instruments, many spell scrolls]. Alsi took over this simple, one-story temple in 590 cy and has brought new life to the entire block. It is generally known that the temple has nothing much of value aside from the personal items owned by the clerics, so few people try to break in to steal things. Some bad-tempered neighbors complain about the noise, however.

DM's Notes: A wandering bard came to the temple a year ago and sold several folders filled with old songs he had “discovered” while passing through Nyrond’s capital, Rel Mord. The songs are over a century old and many are quite rare; the clerics realized they had a treasure trove of old Aerdi music from many places in the former Great Kingdom. They are learning some of the songs now, and more than a few of the songs hold clues to little-known past events or give hints about treasures once known to the rulers of that empire. However, some sages in Rel Mord are seeking the (stolen) music, using hired adventurers who will arrive in Greyhawk shortly.


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