T11: Shrine of Beory

This pleasant garden is dedicated to the worship of the Flanaess's version of the universal earthmother. Here she is called Beory, and though she has no permanent clerics or druids in the Free City, many of her faithful pass through here and make sure that the plants of the shrine are well watered, and that the flowers bloom for all to enjoy.

T11: Shrine of Beory. A small and pleasant shrine in the heart of the Old City is this flower and shrub garden dedicated to Beory, the Oerth Mother of the ancient Flan people. Few druids of Beory are in the city at present, but several local people tend to the garden and keep local youths from vandalizing it.

DMs Notes: Despite a local folktale that destroying the garden would mean the destruction of Greyhawk, the loss of the garden would have no effect on the city. Druids of Beory regard Greyhawk as a blight on the land, and most have withdrawn deep into forests elsewhere.


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