T13: Public Bathhouse

This grand edifice was once the preserve of nobles and the wealthy, but as the city grew beyond its onginal boundaries the bathhouse gradually became a facility for all the citizens of the Free City.

Now the building is open to anyone with a silver piece to buy the weekly pass. Three gp buys an annual admission. Those with tickets can use the bathhouse as often and as long as they want.

T13: Public Bathhouse. In the days when the Old City was the city of Greyhawk, nobles and wealthy merchants used this structure as an exclusive club for bathing, swimming, athletics, and general pampering. Now it is a public bathhouse and business of its own. A silver noble (1 sp) buys a weekly pass, and three gold orbs will buy annual admission. A paper ticket is issued as a pass. The bathhouse has separate facilities for men and women, with magic-controlled atmosphere to produce tropical conditions inside. Aside from the huge central pool, smaller pools, steam rooms, massage rooms, dressing rooms with private storage trunks, and a large poolside lounge with plenty of drinks are available. Most members of the bathhouse are metchants, caravan workers, mercenaries, and “well-to-do working poor” of the Old City: laborers, shopkeepers, and guildmembers who earn just enough to gain admission. (Membership at the bathhouse is considered a major mark of achievement among the lower and middle class in Old City.)

The building consists of a two long, screened wings-one each for men and women-and two entrance foyers and lounges. The wings contain dressing rooms, steam rooms, and massage cells, while the lounges serve expensive drinks and provide a comfortable, tropical setting for conversation or meditation.

DM's Notes: The bathhouse is heavily frequented by thieves, but most of these are metely resting and relaxing between missions. Few people, even criminals, wish to disturb the sense of rest and peace at the bathhouse. More disturbing to the patrons would be the news that the entire Guild of Assassins also comes here, individually, for relaxation. It is not unknown for plots to be hatched here inthe quiet fog of a steam room, or for adventuring missions to be concocted over drinks by the poolside.


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