T14: Temple of Xerbo

This is the temple favored by merchants and travelers who are required to journey often by boat or ship. A miniature replica of a great galley stands in the foyer of the temple, which leads to the richly appointed sanctuary beyond.

The priests of Xerbo are humble and faithful. They have little of financial value here. save the Six Tapestries that each depict a dramatic scene of storm, monster, or battle at sea. Each is worth perhaps 500 gp.

Talrand Quehris, Patriarch of Xerbo: AC 3; MV 9; Pr12; hp 56: THAC0 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+3 (footman's mace + 2 Spells: 6 1st, 5 2nd. 5 3rd, 3 4th, 2 5th, and 2 6th

Six Priests: AC 4; MV 9; Pr5; hp 28; THAC0 18: #AT I: 0mg 1d6+1: Spells: 3 1st. 3 2nd. and 1 3rd

T14: Temple of Xerbo and Osprem. Foreigners sometimes look at this small, two-story structure with great curiosity, as it is an inland temple devoted to two gods of _ the sea. However, many merchants in Greyhawk ship goods by river, lake, and sea, and Xerbo is the old Suloise god concerned with, among other things, merchants who travel over the water. Merchants from the nearby union hall come here to worship before shipping goods by water or making sea voyages themselves. The entry hall has a marvelous wooden model of a large oared river galley and its crew.

Recently, two clerics of Osprem (a Suloise deity of ships and sailors) made their way here as refugees, and they have been allowed to set up a small shrine on the second floor. The temple’s only treasures are the Six Tapestries, great hanging works that each — show a storm, sea monster, or naval battle (value 500 gp each). The high priest of Xerbo here is Talrand Quehris [N hm C13 — Xerbo; hp 45; Wis 15; footman’s mace +2, trident of yearning (not used)], who oversees a half-dozen minor priests. The major cleric of Osprem is Deyani Mor [LN hf C5 — Osprem; hp 34; Con 18, Wis 16; trident +2]. The two groups get along well but do not interact much.

DM's Notes: Many Suloise merchants in _ the city prefer to worship Xerbo over Zilchus for cultural reasons. However, the temple is sliding into disrepair, and local followers of Xerbo seem disinclined to give the temple more than a handful of change when worshiping, making building repairs impossible. The clerics are looking for patrons who would financially support repair work on the temple, in return for which the clerics would gladly cast spells at reduced (or nonexistent) rates. A character who knows anything about plumbing would also be greatly appreciated.


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