T17: Madame Zaccaruso 's Rooms For Rent

This grand boarding house charges up per crust rates for the Old City-in the neighborhood of four sp per week-but the price includes a hearty breakfast every morning. Madame Zaccaruso is a one eyed hag of a woman, rumored to be a witch, who nonetheless keeps a clean and quiet house. Rooms are always available.

An item of note: This is where Caprica Molara lives. Read all about her in "The Assassins' Guild," Ch5 FFF.

T17: Madame Zaccaruso’s. This boarding house is immediately visible to anyone traveling south through the Black Gate. Many foreign merchants and caravaneets stay at this three-story residence for five silver nobles each per week (price includes bed and breakfast). Madame Zaccaruso [N hf W4; hp 11; Int 16; many potions] is a very elderly woman rumored to be a witch; she has been a fixture here for years. The house is always clean and tidy, and business has never been slow for long.

DM's Notes: Madame Zaccaruso is an amateur alchemist and makes her own potions, mostly ones that have medicinal qualities (cure light wounds). She is also a master at creating household cantrips, minor spells that are effective at cleaning under furniture, repairing broken cups, patching walls, removing creaks from floorboards, straightening beds, cleaning blankets, and so forth. She has never shared her knowledge of cantrips with anyone else, hiding it cleverly from everyone.


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