T20: Devin Halfhock's Pawnshop

Devin Halfhock is a crude, slurring half- orc who is far more clever than he seems. Many are the times he has outsmarted clever merchants and wheeler-dealers in negotiating the fees for his services.

His pawnshop contains an assortment of weapons and armor types, clothing, various tools, and other items of equipment. It's all slightly overpriced, but Devin can be talked down and a discerning customer can get away with quite a deal.

The real purpose of his shop is to serve as a secret entrance to the Thieves' Guild headquarters. It is often used by thieves leaving on missions, though few return by this route. Devin only admits those he recognizes to the secret entrance (which is a door behind a row of shelves in his storeroom).

Devin Halfhock: AC 5 (leather armor + 1 and Dex 16 MV 12; T11/F9; THAC0 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +3 (long sword +2 and Str 16)

T20: Halfhock’s Pawnshop. One casualty of the Great Fire of Harvester 584 Cy was Devin Halfhock’s Pawnshop, one of the very few businesses or guilds managed by a half-orc. Devin Halfhock [LE 4om F9/T8; hp 39; Str 16] is approaching middle age and rarely leaves his new shop (rebuilt with funds invested with the Union of Moneychangers and Pawnbrokers), but he is still well known. Great bargains can be found at his shop for weapons, armor, housewares, tools, and clothing. Street urchins throw rocks at his shop (where he also lives), but he has had to contend with worse. Local people are used to him, but Nyrondese won’t go near his shop because he — like those who raided and looted Nyrond in the last decade — is an orc (part-orc, actually, but it makes no difference to them). Several drunken attempts to kill him have failed, resulting in his isolation and careful examination of customers through a slot in his front door.

DM's Notes: Devin once had several magical items, including armor and devices that boosted his thieving ability beyond the norm, but these were lost in the fire in 585 Cy. He does passably well now, but his main function, as before the fire, is to watch over a secret entrance into the Great Hall’s Thieves’ Guild (T21) through a tunnel leading to a storm sewer. Devin is as cynical and bitter as they come, but he believes Greyhawk ts the only place where he could do as well as he does now.


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