T21: Great Hall of the Thieves' Guild

This imposing edifice is the true heart of the Old City, for here most of the significant decisions affecting all aspects of life in the Low Quarters are made.

For a full description of the Guild and all its nefarious activities, as well as the interior of the house, see "The Thieves' Guild," Ch5 FFF.

The guildhall is surrounded by streets, giving a clear view of all approaches. Apprentices are standing guard at all times. The two doors and all the windows of the building are equipped with elaborate traps, including slashing scythes beneath each window frame and trap doors over pits filled with sharp stakes at each door. Secondary traps, with stabbing spears emerging from the walls, are also installed at each door.

T21: Old City Great Hall (Thieves’ Guild). The label “city hall” is sometimes applied — only half in jest — to the Old City Great Hall, where Greyhawk’s government formerly operated. Nowadays, the Guild of Thieves is commonly (and correctly) believed to operate from this old but magnificent building. The structure was badly damaged by fire in Harvester 584 Cy, but it was swiftly rebuilt to its grand old style. Here is where the Pact of Greyhawk was signed, though few diplomats now visit the place. The Directing Oligarchy has let it be known that this building has a government support staff, about which little is said in public.

Little is known about the interior of the building, as admission was restricted during and after the rebuilding process. However, the building is most impressive.

DM's Notes: The Guild of Thieves has turned this old government building into a huge conglomeration of criminal industries. The building is guarded by junior thieves, mechanical and magical traps, and perhaps even nonliving automatons. Inside are dormitories for thieves, training rooms, storage and supply centers, and lookout posts. But these are only in the aboveground portion. In the two cellar levels are a library of books and maps to the city (the contents stolen from various guilds in town), many private chambers, meeting rooms, accounting rooms, a shrine to Kurell (insisted upon by some guildmembers, though many thieves worship Norebo or other gods of theft, darkness, stealth, and crime), and the heavily defended guild treasury room. A forgery center operates in an underground chamber reached by tunnels, producing fake credit notes allegedly issued by neighboring states. The day-to-day administration of work in the Thieves’ Quarter is undertaken by Thurman Dietrien [N 4em T11; hp 43; Dex 18, Int 16, Cha 16; leather armor of displacement, cloak of ptotection +2, dagger +4], a loyal supporter of Org Nenshen, the guildmaster (see H15).


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