T24: Gritch Hariad, Jeweler

This modest shop is the home of a jeweler of surpassing skill and talent. Glitch Hariad is blind, but claims that he can feel the colors in stone and metal. In truth, his works are without parallel in the Free City. He will generally triple or quadruple the worth of the raw materials he works into brooches, necklaces, rings, earrings, or any other type of jewelry.

Gritch operates under the specific protection of the Thieves' Guild. Though he keeps 10,000 gp or more in metals, stones, and finished works at his shop, he has never been successfully robbed.

Thieves keep a round-the-clock watch on the shop, which is stone-walled and has metal bars protecting the windows, together with poison needle traps (sure, they're illegal in the Free City, but no one has ever complained) on all locks on doors and windows.

Gritch is personable and friendly. He always has time to accept a new job, generally charging his customers for stone and metal (or using customer supplied material, which he commonly does) plus 50% of the increase in value between raw material and finished product.

T24: Hariad’s Jewelry. Hariad’s Jewelry is an unusual shop. The aged owner, Gritch Hariad [N hm zero-level; hp 2; Cha 15] is blind but apparently able to sense shapes perfectly by touch. He can triple or quadruple the value of gems or jewels he works on. His shop is completely dark inside and has many traps and barred windows. Hariad is over 60 years old but still healthy. His shop is frequented by wealthy patrons and even foreign visitors. He is a long-standing member of the Guild of Jewelers and Gemcutters, and his works are prizewinners.

DMs Notes: In addition to other defenses, Hariad has a special working arrangement with the Guild of Thieves to receive “free” protection from guild and nonguild thieves if he will improve a few gems and jewels for the guild every so often. He has been very agreeable to this, and everyone has profited as a result. He has over 10,000 gp worth of materials in his shop at all times, but he has never been robbed successfully. Evil cults, however, are not so easily swayed and might wish to empty the shop at the expense of a few lives.


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